Sunday 14 February 2010

The life of Sam

One photographer who's work I have always appreciated is that of

Friday 12 February 2010

8 Week Challenge

So lately I've been looking at physical idealism. It featured heavily in my dissertation and I'm currently reading the book 'The Nude' by Kenneth Clark. The idea of the idea have changed little in 2,000 years, since the sculpting of the statues in the Acropolis.In todays society perfect bodies are everywhere and I have a keen intrest in this idealised beauty as part of my photographical work. Now I also believe it's important to moderately try to stay healthy and fit. To look good is to feel good in my opinion. I think it's lazy to let yourself go (especially to then complain). Any way yarda yarda yarda, you all get the jist. I've been watching Tim Shaw in "Extreme Male Beauty" and he set an 8 week challenge to improve himself, so I thought I would do the same, on my own terms.
Here's my plan:
8 weeks. Everyday protien shakes, 2 eggs, 2 litres of water, the recommended 5 a day and reduced general food crap.
Then the exercise plan:
6 days a week jogging,
Exercise every other day on rotation of Chest/Shoulder/Stomach then arms/legs

Today was C/S/S, this entales:
Push ups - regular, incline and decline 3 x 10
Incline press 3 x 10
Open fly 3 x 10

Front lift - 3 x 10
Side lift - 3 x 10

Crunch - 3 x 10
Leg raise - 3 x 10
Oblique - 3 x 10
Tuck - 3 x 10
Torso Track - 3 x 10

Every week I will upload a picture of my torso so I can moniter my progression (if any)
I also measured my chest at 34 inches and my flexed bicep at 12 inches.
There are several reasons I'm doing this. Mainly because lately I've been trying various extreme diets to see if I can find a cause for my eczema. These diets have included fruitarianism, in which I felt I lost a lot of body definition and weight. Another thing is the eczema... if my skin is going to act like a twat, it can at least do it on a nice frame. Then finally there is Baptiste Giabiconi!
I saw the video below and just thought... yea why not. So enjoy :)


I remember watching this video in English in secondary school. They just don't make classic adverts like this anymore!

Games and Dissertations

Today I handed in my dissertation that went under the title of 'The representation of men in fashion photography from 1999-2010'. I really enjoyed doing the research and writing it so I hope that comes across in my assessment. A large part of my paper was about Steven Klein who's work I find thoroughly refreshing and inspiring. He really presents an alternative light into the views on masculinity. I found today his series called 'Games and Restrictions' and thought I would post a couple of my favorite images.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Men's Fashion

I got out from the library 'one hundred years of menswear'by Cally Blackman because I feel it important to have at least a basic knowledge of the subject. Cally (who teaches fashion history at Central st. Martins) gives in her opinion a brief history of men's wear. She starts by saying that menswear is often seen as dull in regards to the obvious glamour of women's fashion and this is somethign I have to agree with. Even today as I trawl through catwalk pictures all I seem to see is a sea of grey suits.
However she goes on to remind us what a large impact men's fashion has had on the industry, and especially in women's fashion. It is women who adopt the male wardrobe such as suits, trousers and shirts, and later work and sportswear. She also details how men are often responsible for introducing 'subcultural modes of dress', including, new romantics, gangsters, zoot suiters, Zazous, Teddy boys, hippies, mods and punks.
Blackman discusses how the suit is the most successful garmet of all time due to its functionality and adaptability. Recently I have learned of the reasoning behind the development of clothes and the need for functionality. Prior to the war, clothes were larger and used more material, but throughout the war period material was rationed for uniforms etc so clothes became slimer, and needed to be easy to menouver in.
Blackman says "To adapt a phrase from Le Corbusier, the suit is a machine for living in, close-fitting but comfortable armour, constantly revised and reinvented to be, literally, well suited for modern daily life."
I know it's not just me but armour... no, workers uniform/prison... yes. I relate wearing a suit to be like working in an office, everyday, the suit becomes your second skin. It begins to define you (here's the anti-industrialist Tyler coming out) but, today my modern life is not suited by a suit.

Cultural influence

Recently in my various studies mainly for that of my dissertation I've been putting together my own mental study of the cultural effects on photographers. As photography is a creative pursuit it is in no way surprising that the photographers themselves are influenced by their past and cultural background. There are some cases I find particularly interesting. The most recent person I have come across is Mario Testino.
In this picture taken by Testino we see two suited men and another two in their underwear. Testino has discussed the fact when growing up he spent a lot of time in Brazil. He went to a lot of parties and because it was so hot there many people had pools. People would always carry around their bathing suits and often go for a swim. In this case for Testino the image above wouldn't be so unusual however in England such a sight isn't common place (in my opinion).

Another interesting photographer is David Lachapelle. His work, full of colour and excess is a representation of the American world. It's ability to push boundaries in a popular culture formed around the celebrity. In contrast to this we see the subtle workings of someone like Tim Walker.
His work shows a classical look of English refinement. It's dainty, white and filled with English countryside. It was Tim walked who originally drew me to this concept. His images look conventionally English because England is what he knows. He was raised in the countryside and so it is something he can relate to.
I feel in order to develop as a photographer I need to have a clear insight into what it is that effects my work. What is my cultural background? What parts of my upbringing stay in my mind? and I suppose to some degree, how do I view today's social climate? Further posts to follow (at some point...)

Sunday 7 February 2010

The Empress

On Friday I was in the studio again shooting the Empress. You can see a make-up shot in a previous post. Like before I made a video for youtube so you can see what it was like on the shoot. A little sneak peak I guess. Hope you like it, rate and enjoy :)

Saturday 6 February 2010

Testino on Testicles

In my dissertation I'm writing about Mario Testino and his perception of male fashion photography (or something to that extent). Testino says that although he loves to photograph men the depth of their vanity is limited. I find this arguable but his work speaks for itself. The images he has captured of men are fantastic, but I wonder whether he believes that to be the full extent of the man's place in fashion. It's taking us a long time to come to terms with the fact that yes, men moisturise, but I think the 'depth' of men's fashionabilty is growing.

Haz you seen?

On Friday I was shooting Hazziehat Scheck as the Emperess for my Tarot Card project. Besides all my worries and set backs I think it went well. I'm still yet to fully examine my shots yet though so fingers crossed. In the end LaGavin Pickle the Make-up Artist was able to make it, and I'm glad because he did a fantastic job! Below is one of the shots I took, its a nice one where you can see just how awesome Gavin is at Make-up!

Thursday 4 February 2010


So I'm trying to branch out onto youtube. My efforts are pretty bad at the moment as technology and jargon is getting the best of me, but never the less I'm trying. I've uploaded two videos so far. The latest is a kind of 'making' video from my first photoshoot on my new project :)

Worth its weight in gold sequins!

My make-up artist has had to cancel but it's okay because I got trained in the art of eyeshadow today so fingers crossed it should be all okay tomorrow. Also in accordance with tomorrow's shoot, I constructed another prop, that I think is quite sexy. It's a gold sequin globus cruciger!

Wednesday 3 February 2010


Being the busy bee that I am, I'm making a lot of the props for my shoots (1 down 21 to go). Tonight I started making this christianesque broach. It's not finished yet as there are some 'rays' to be attatched but I'm pleased with it so far. Tomorrow I shall be papermaching melons and stabbing them with pencils to make those globey cross ball things (the name currently elludes me).

Dermalogical Rebellion

I have some kind of eczema based skin allergy and lately I've tried to find the root cause of it. I was thinking food related as I have done for some time. I was lead to believe it could be because of my sugar in take so I fasted for 2 days and then started eating again. I was eating fruit and then cereals and etc. Eventually it came back. I usually don't mind looking like a monster, who's falling to pieces–In my mind I look like Fever Ray at her award acceptance–today however after an extended period without high intakes of refined sugars I rebelled. I brought a Mars bar on the way home. No itchyness as such, so later I brought a large bar of Dairy Milk!!!! Sugar intakes are back on. Next stop, reduced milk/dairy. And yes! I know chocolate has dairy in!!!
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