I've got so much up in the air at the moment. Perhaps too much? We'll see. It's not long until the end so there is a looming sadness. I got a random e-mail today asking me to go to Oxford to take pictures at Oxford Fashion week, so I'm going to do that on Thursday which should be cool. I'm not paying transport so yea sure why not. Here is some of the work made by the girl who asked me to come. I had a meeting about the end of year show which is fast approaching. I need to find out what I want to do for that and decided upon a space. Perhaps invite some people? I'm doing a shoot on Friday with Fashion designer from BCU who's made a jacket, and our shoot's theme/feel is 'a sense of akwardness'. I have something building in my mind so look forwards to that. I'm also putting together a shoot with Genevieve deLande Long and Stephanie Reeves but I'll tell you more when things are confirmed. What else is there? I'm entering a local competition and should really be focusing more of my attention on it but I'm excited by my idea. A shoot inspired by the great red dragon. I did a self portrait yesterday which I really enjoyed, painting myself white. I would LOVE to be that colour, unfortunately I know of no way this could be possible. That's enough for now, hopefully I'll be reposting with something more substantial tomorrow.
It's been so long, but I have returned with what I hope to be some kind of epic catch up blog post. My Exhibition at the Works Gallery has been and gone. It was -and I'm glad to say- a success. As my first exhibition there was a lot of pressure but I pulled it off. I had all 22 images mounted and presented then on 2 wall, 11 on each side. This was my original intent and related back to some research I did about the possible roots of such images used in ancient Egypt.I really liked the space, so crisp(ish) and white. I thoroughly recommend it for use as well as it's not widely known about. Anyway, I opened the exhibition with an opening night. Loads of people came, and I did some filming too. I've put together two exhibition based videos which I put up on youtube. It's a good chance to see what some of the people involved thought, and a little insight into my thoughts behind the construction of the project. (They're a little cut off on this blog so right click and watch on youtube)
After the exhibition a bunch of us went to the Chinese Quater for some foods which was nice. Since having the exhibition it feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders but in no way has the work load actually decreased. In fact although I haven't taken an active stance in my current workload it seems to have increased from what it was. The exhbition has currently moved to Perry Barr and is in the Union Building on Level2 opposite CafeDirect on the left handside and will be there until the 7th of May. I'm looking into having it made into a book which is something to look forwards too. I'm also looking at approaching other Galleries with the series but would need money to invest in having it reprinted and framed rather than mounted.
Other than that I've taken on a couple of new projects. I'm helping a couple of fellow students Genevieve and Steph with their graphic project. They want to do a mock Ted Baker campaign based around Tea and Cake which should be fun (If you have any Ted Baker clothes or accessories we could borrow it would be a big help). I'm also going to enter a local competition, with a concept I have taken onto an abstract religious theme. I'm just trying to get my model to confirm at the moment. Another student, Sebastian, wants me to photograph his jacket for his fashion project, the theme being 'awkwardness, disturbed, like something's missing' so I'm putting some ideas together for that. There might also be a shoot I'm doing with Josh Sallon in June, so we'll wait and see. So yea it's all go at the moment, leading up to the grand finalle as university draws to an end.