Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Negative space and studio shoots

It's been a long time coming for this blog but I'm finally ready to put up some of the shots from shoots I did recently. Before uni came to an end I organised some shoots with a couple of guys called Xander Bliss and Liam Wild and I made this shoot based around negative space. Below are a couple of my favorite images from the shoot.
On that same day I did another studio shoot with them because they brought a suitcase full of the best clothes so how could I resist?Then later on that week there was Romeo Draven and here's a shot from that shoot too.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Lucky Boxer shorts

This evening I have thrown out my lucky boxers because I believe them to be unlucky. I have not worn them for sometime due to this factor of bad luck and have now decided it is time to part with them rather than endure another internal battle of whether to wear them or not every time I open my underwear draw.
This came about because I have decided to change, just in time for my 3rd year at university. This change comes every now and then, when I feel reflective and chaotic inside. I think to some degree everyone feels this level of tumult. I'm just beginning to realise that this is part of who I am and that I should act upon it. So, new me? No, just real me closer to the surface.
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