Saturday, 12 December 2009
I needed to test out some new lighting for my next project. It's a little weird starting it without having finished my current project meaning my ideas are still all up in the air. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get it sorted though. Below is the image I took of Kyle, watch this space for future work...

Friday, 4 December 2009
What is Art?
Without the academy to put in place artistic law the real definition of what art is, is somewhat lost and up for interpretation. Modern society rules anything with depth or meaning as pretentious, but I feel this this just a rouse so as not to appear to have any understanding of anything that hints at philosophy. Perhaps this is something to do with the age of technology.
I always say, 'It is the right of man to give meaning to that which has none,'. I think this statement encompasses what we believe art to be. I found a definition that details '(art is) the creation of beautiful or significant things'. With the ever changing state of the human condition, art is something we percieve to be so. It is something we give purpose to.
I suppose the real question here is, 'is anyone able to make art?'
Some people look at pieces of art and because they don't understand it, or like it say that it is not art. Above I have provided a piece of abstract expressionist art by Pollock called 'autumn rhythm'. Some people may say this is merely paint thrown onto canvas rather than art, but I think it is the ability to create something and give it specific meaning that makes it art, appreciated or not.
The reason I write this blog post is because I am about to endeavour on the creation of a body of work. I have been given funding by Birmingham City Council to put on an exhibition of new work that I create. It is going to be based on photographical formats but I question what status I take upon myself and how that effects the relation my audience will have with my work. Am I a photographer, or am I an artist? Perhaps neither of these labels is fitting. All I know is that I want this creation to be more than just the production of images.
I always say, 'It is the right of man to give meaning to that which has none,'. I think this statement encompasses what we believe art to be. I found a definition that details '(art is) the creation of beautiful or significant things'. With the ever changing state of the human condition, art is something we percieve to be so. It is something we give purpose to.
I suppose the real question here is, 'is anyone able to make art?'

The reason I write this blog post is because I am about to endeavour on the creation of a body of work. I have been given funding by Birmingham City Council to put on an exhibition of new work that I create. It is going to be based on photographical formats but I question what status I take upon myself and how that effects the relation my audience will have with my work. Am I a photographer, or am I an artist? Perhaps neither of these labels is fitting. All I know is that I want this creation to be more than just the production of images.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
A Technical Hitch
Tonight was the night I met Noddy and his lucky 20p.
Today I learned that if you search for something, you will find it.
Be who you want to be.
Today I learned that if you search for something, you will find it.
Be who you want to be.
Monday, 30 November 2009
When the sky turns black, why do I feel so blue?
My second favorite anime of all time is Tekkon Kinkreet staring the sensational characters Black and White. What I really like about this story is the connection between the two main male characters. The bond they share is the same as ying and yang in a sense. They are children of the street and live by their own rules (see why I like them now). They live like brothers so their bond contains no sexual link, but they're very close, relying on no one else but each other.
Black is a particularly interesting character. The more calm and collected of the two, he holds knowledge and strength, blended with a slight hint of insanity. He's the anime worlds Tyler Durden to a certain extent.

Saturday, 28 November 2009
Howl of the Monster
We each read into things in our own way, this is the art of aberrant decoding. Something that really interested me was the transformation of Howl from the Studio Ghibli rendition of Howl's Moving Castle. Howl is a decadent and beautiful young man, almost obsessed with his looks. To me he represents a large portion of men today. Men who moisturise, pluck their eyebrows, have the latest hair cuts, carry bags, the list continues.
What I find most interesting is how the introduction of the leading female character Sophie drives Howl away from his former beauty and he changes into a monster. Everything is abandoned and his appearance becomes more about his body. No trousers or jackets but feathers and claws.
I'm glad I managed to cover this in my last shoot, it means that I'm working towards my goal. I want to explore the rebellion of men, the birth of the monster.

Thursday, 26 November 2009
Howl's Moving Castle Sneak
On Tuesday the 24th of November I finally pulled together my Howl's Moving Castle photoshoot. It was a near miss with some models being booked at 11.30pm the night before and others asrriving late. Never mind various people catching swine flu etc. In the end however it came together. He is a small cropped sneak preview of my first trial edit, just trying some things out, but this image (although it may be the only one) really captures what I was trying to communicate.

Creating a monster
On the walk to university today I spotted a new clothing store, one that had the potential to show me something new. Unsuprisingly it didn't though, it was the same old thing you'd expect to see in any shop. At the moment I have an overwhelming boredom with fashion and fashion magazines at the moment. It is so saturated with similar things. Boring fashion shoots, and clothes we've all seen again and again. I can however see something that's starting to show it's face.
Taking fashion into the people's hands everyone has become a fashion icon to some extent. What about all the Tyler Durdens out there though. Everyone who wants to rebel, who feels they are no different to everyone else? There must be a hoard of people who will eventually collect together bringing about a new monster to the fashion world. Something self destructive perhaps.
Are clothes the extent of fashion? Surely it goes beyond that. Maybe in the beginning it didn't but by today's standards we seem to have extended beyond that. There is something hidden within our form, something that perhaps clothes cannot soley express that I hope to bring about. As James st James said (well, at least in the film Party Monster) "If you have a hump, sprinkle a little glitter on it, go dancing!" and let's not forget the narrator from invisible monsters, 'birds ate her face' yet she is prominant and striking.
I admire what Steven Klein did with Brad Pitt, this focus on Tyler Durden, this constrain and representation of the male form in a video format. Steven Klein: "(Brad Pitt) did some of his makeup himself. He wanted to use his body as a landscape. He's not like 'Look at me—don't I look good?' He morphs himself so easily. He's the perfect muse."
Tyler Durden is my idol, there is no man I admire more that this fictional character by Chuck Palanuick. He is a marvelous creation, a fearless man built soley for escapism through a revolution in all who are trapped in society.
Last time I went out, not to have fun but to earn money for a shoot, but still at a nightclub, I got chatting to one particular guy who sparked interest in me. He commented on me having no eyebrows. He asked why and thought about the cause. He plucked his eyebros into neat shapes, and had metal bases to his teeth. He sought change in his appearance yet was confused by my change. Because he didn't see it as an attractive change it confused him. But I say fuck being attractive! Be who you want, release the monster inside yourself. Self destruction is an art. Who are you trying to impress anyway?
Taking fashion into the people's hands everyone has become a fashion icon to some extent. What about all the Tyler Durdens out there though. Everyone who wants to rebel, who feels they are no different to everyone else? There must be a hoard of people who will eventually collect together bringing about a new monster to the fashion world. Something self destructive perhaps.
Are clothes the extent of fashion? Surely it goes beyond that. Maybe in the beginning it didn't but by today's standards we seem to have extended beyond that. There is something hidden within our form, something that perhaps clothes cannot soley express that I hope to bring about. As James st James said (well, at least in the film Party Monster) "If you have a hump, sprinkle a little glitter on it, go dancing!" and let's not forget the narrator from invisible monsters, 'birds ate her face' yet she is prominant and striking.
I admire what Steven Klein did with Brad Pitt, this focus on Tyler Durden, this constrain and representation of the male form in a video format. Steven Klein: "(Brad Pitt) did some of his makeup himself. He wanted to use his body as a landscape. He's not like 'Look at me—don't I look good?' He morphs himself so easily. He's the perfect muse."

Sunday, 8 November 2009
Almost every time I produce work I'm more happy with the results than the last shoot, I mean that must be a plus because I feel I'm improving. My latest shoot was with my pregnant friend Ellie who wanted some creative shots prior to giving birth. She's passed the crutial stage and will give birth at any time, so now was the best time for the shoot. The bigger the better as they say. I was kind of scared that all the weird things I was making her do and the flashing lights my thrust her into labour. Martyn the studio man would have loved that no doubt!

James Lawrence Slattery
I was very lucky to have such a good shoot with James Lawrence Slattery local club kid and general crazed ball of Androgynous fun. We had a cool idea in mind and it allowed me to try out some new studio techniques that I'm pretty happy with. We styled it together using James's own clothes and we did the make-up together too. Look at the eyebrows I did, they're pretty cool!

Thursday, 22 October 2009
A review of the past
So I haven't blogged in a while and a bit has gone on so it's about time that I did an update. I have a website that I'm pretty proud of, it's taken a while but now I have somewhere to showcase my work. It was made by Justin Focus, who is a cool website designer and followed my specification very closely. You can find it at www.flashyourjak.com alternatively if you search 'flash your jak' in www.google.com google will ask 'Did you mean: Flash your Rack?'. I've tried to keep the website pretty sharp and simple. It's very red and white, them being my favorite colour combination, and everything is pretty concise. Take a look let me know what you think :)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Howl's Moving Castle Shoot
I may have directed some of you here so you can learn a bit more about the shoot that I'm putting together. It's a TF shoot taking place on the 9th of Novemeber in Birmingham, in one of the country's finest Jacobean Mansions. It's based on the story of Howl's moving castle, but changed into a fashion fantasy photoshoot. Below are a couple of pictures from the location.
I am looking to cast 3 main male models and 2 main female models and 6 secondary Models. For more information on the roles and specific looks of the models contact me via email or MM. The six secondary models that I require will be dressed in black hoods with white masks and hats. They shall also have the top half of their bodies painted black similar to the illustration below.
My Email is jakflash@rocketmail.com so message me there for enquiries. I look forwards to hearing from you.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Monday, 14 September 2009
Friday, 28 August 2009
Crossing the River
Below is part of the series I previously did on the story of the Gingerbread Man for a university project. It was a fun and hectic shoot, lasting all day and was my first go at set construction. In my mind I had this idea of really false and obvious sets, relating to children's story books. However the project theme of this shoot was sexuality and desire so I thought it was a nice juxtaposition. The models are James Parsley as the Gingerbread Man and Craig Palmer as the Fox.


I also went to London to see the Simon Foxton exhibition in the photographer's gallery. I'd previously seen his work on the front of Homme so it was cool to see a collective range. I was quite inspired by his scrap books and have gone on to start my own. It's a nice source of inspiration.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Negative space and studio shoots
It's been a long time coming for this blog but I'm finally ready to put up some of the shots from shoots I did recently. Before uni came to an end I organised some shoots with a couple of guys called Xander Bliss and Liam Wild and I made this shoot based around negative space. Below are a couple of my favorite images from the shoot.
On that same day I did another studio shoot with them because they brought a suitcase full of the best clothes so how could I resist?
Then later on that week there was Romeo Draven and here's a shot from that shoot too.

Jak Flash,
Liam Wild,
Negative Space,
Romeo Draven,
Xander Bliss
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Lucky Boxer shorts
This evening I have thrown out my lucky boxers because I believe them to be unlucky. I have not worn them for sometime due to this factor of bad luck and have now decided it is time to part with them rather than endure another internal battle of whether to wear them or not every time I open my underwear draw.
This came about because I have decided to change, just in time for my 3rd year at university. This change comes every now and then, when I feel reflective and chaotic inside. I think to some degree everyone feels this level of tumult. I'm just beginning to realise that this is part of who I am and that I should act upon it. So, new me? No, just real me closer to the surface.
This came about because I have decided to change, just in time for my 3rd year at university. This change comes every now and then, when I feel reflective and chaotic inside. I think to some degree everyone feels this level of tumult. I'm just beginning to realise that this is part of who I am and that I should act upon it. So, new me? No, just real me closer to the surface.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Copacabana, the final fontier

Jak Flash

I saw Star Trek on Wednesday, pretty good. I give it a 7/10. Some amusing parts, but it made me wonder, do trekkies not find people attractive? Why was Chekhov the only fitty?
On another note I also did a Copacabana themed photoshoot with Poppy in the afternoon. We'd been approached by a stylist at university to shoot her clothes for her project. Above is one of the images from the shoot, pretty cool, shot in a very sandy studio! The model is Hilde Kvivik Kavli and the Stylist was Christina Skarpari. There was a nice range of clothes, shot in this 1940s modern nostalgia sense.
On Friday I also managed to speak to a really cool photographer from Brighton/London called Mario. He gave me a lot of advice about industry and stuff so I'm excited about the future. Gunna keep trying and see what comes about :)
Monday, 18 May 2009
Magic at the museum and other ventures

I was taking pictures for 3sixty magazine.
At university today I started getting some inspiration for a shoot I plan to do next week with Xander Bliss, which should be fun. Another chance for me to use the studio before it closes for summer. I also went to the museum today because I have been meaning to go since the day Sir Edward Burne-Jones had more work brought to the museum. He's my favorite artist and his work continued to amaze me. I recommend going if you like art. He was a very talented man. Tickles my pickle anyway. Also in the museum right now is that portrait gallery of Obama's people. That too was good. Nice large portraits shot with 2 umbrella flashes creating nice flat images. It's the little details that are amusing though, like how all the black people just seem to be Obama's mates.
Finally there was the stroll in the park with Poppy, that weird one who lives beneath me. The park has come into bloom and is rather beautiful. Midges everywhere! But blue, pink and white bluebells where everywhere. Nice!
I have arrived

So I finally decided to start up my own blog. Fall into the crowd and do what everyone else is doing. Better late than never I guess. I did have an 'online diary' on Facebook.com but its new page layout thwarted its popularity! So I'm back again, giving you some insight to what I'm upto :)
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